Transforming Mental Wellness Through Integrated Health Insights & Biomarker Detection.

Making Mental Health Tangible. For the First Time.

Our portable, non-invasive device detects saliva biomarkers tied to stress and cognitive function, alongside measuring cardiovascular fitness with AI data analysis.

By integrating these crucial health metrics with mental state data, we aim to simplify the identification and prevention of mental health-related issues that may otherwise remain undetected.

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Corporates Lost -$316,883.10 to Burnouts. 1 Life Was Taken. 317 People Suffer From Mental Health Disorders.

Setting a New Standard.

The current standard of care for mental health assessment primarily relies on subjective questionnaires for diagnosis. However, these questionnaires pose significant challenges for healthcare providers in obtaining comprehensive and objective data to inform treatment decisions.

By implementing our device, healthcare providers can access real-time, concrete data on a patient’s internal health status, enabling a more well-rounded assessment to be considered for treatment plans, facilitate more accurate pattern recognition, and allow for objective observation of the progression of the intervention/therapy.

It is Time For a Change.

Non-Invasive & Patent-Pending Technology

With recent sensor technologies emerging, biometric measurements can now be taken easily through a saliva-based sensor strip, where no blood work is needed.

AI-Powered Data Analysis

Our pocket-sized hardware device, is seamlessly connected to a tailored software component, running data analysis based on a ML model. This creates a sealed solution from end to end, making internal conditions tangible.

Broader Overview For Health Monitoring

We believe in a comprehensive approach where your health is determined by several key factors, rather than relying on isolated health metrics.

We need more than an analysis on the wrist to determine our health.

-Annika Lundström, CEO

Global Issue

In today’s world, mental health has emerged as a global issue, commanding attention and action across societies. There is an urgent need for the development of innovative tools and technologies to specifically address the evolving challenges in mental health.

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Join Our Fundraising Round!

Currently we are closing down our Pre-Seed Round of €500k for device refinementregulatory approval, and early customer acquision. Take part in our journey as we aim to make a powerful impact on mental wellbeing and internal health. 

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